Parent Teen Daily Life Study

Both parenting and adolescent social-emotional development happen on a day-to-day basis, influenced by parents’ and adolescents’ daily experiences and activities. Therefore, it is important to examine the relationships between parenting and adolescent development at daily level. We are currently recruiting parent and youth (12–17 years old) pairs to participate in a daily diary study examining their daily experiences, mood, and family relationships. Parent and teen pairs applying must live at the same address and have daily access to internet. You will first fill out a base line survey (~ 45 minutes), and afterwards a daily survey (~ 5 minutes per day) consecutively for a month (30 days). All surveys will be done online and parents and teens each will receive $45 gift card for your participation.

Interested? Questions? Contact us (lab email & phone) for more information! Your participation will greatly contribute to our research!

Interested in getting involved in this research project as an honors or graduate student? Please contact Dr. Zheng (!