
Summer 2020 virtual conference round up

This summer members of the ACRG presented at and attended two virtual conferences. 

Lauren Guillette gave a talk called ‘When do nest-building birds use social information’ in a symposium for Division 6 (Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology) of the American Psychological Association.
Andrés Camacho-Alpízar gave a talk at the The 57th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society. The talk was titled ‘If it ain’t broke don’t fix it: breeding success affects nest-building decisions’. The manuscript for the project has been submitted and it’s currently under review. You can learn more about Andrés and his research on his website.
Connor Lambert also gave a take at The 57th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society on his project ‘The impact of environmental factors on cognitive abilities: A meta-analysis.’  This paper has been submitted and will hopefully be published relatively soon!  He is also currently conducting a learning experiment with zebra finches on physical cognition.