

2018 Assistant  Professor of Comparative Cognition and Behaviour, Department of Psychology, University of Alberta

2018-2021 Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Biology, University of St Andrews (UK)

2015 BBSRC Anniversary Future Leader Fellow, School of Biology, University of St Andrews (UK)

2013 Royal Society Newton International Fellow, School of Biology, University of St Andrews (UK)

2012 PhD, University of Alberta (Canada)

2007 MSc Mount Holyoke College (USA)

2002 BA Ripon College (USA)


Scopus Author ID: 35237420800

ResearcherID: K-8154-2013

Twitter: @laurenguillette


ACRG team picnic

The entire ACRG got together in Hawrelak Park to celebrate Tristan’s MSc defence. We celebrated with food from the Next Act Pub and were luck to receive some amazing Alberta September weather. Starting foreground moving clockwise: Kalie, Cailyn, Julia, Sara, Jessica, Liam, Andrés, Helen, Chelsea, Tristan, Gopika, Melinda, Connor.

Summer 2021 Conference round-up

Gopika Balasubramanian gave a talk titled “The weighing of social and asocial information in nest building”, based on her MSc thesis project at the 58th Annual Conference of the Animal Behaviour Society.
Andrés Camacho-Alpízar gave a talk at the The 58th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society. The talk was titled ‘ ‘Social learning from an artefact’’, based on one of his PhD experiments which has been published in Animal Cognition.  You can learn more about Andrés and his research on his website.
Connor Lambert gave a talk at The 58th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society entitled “Do sex differences in construction behavior relate to differences in physical cognitive abilities?” based on an experiment done for his PhD.  


Lauren receives Early Career Award

Lauren is the first recipient of the Comparative Cognition Society Early Career award. This award honors early career  scientists who have made a notable contribution to the study of comparative cognition. Lauren will give a live talk at the virtual CO3 2021 conference.

New editorial published

New editorial about the amazing Irene Pepperberg published. This editorial appears in a special issue edited by Lauren and Debbie Kelly.

New paper by first-author Andrés Camacho

New paper out find it here.

ACRG welcomes two new grad students in Autumn 2021!

The ACRG is please to welcome two new graduate students to our team. Erfan Khalaji (pictured, left) will start as a PhD student and Sara Blunk (pictured, right) will start as an MSc student. Erfan and Sara have already been contributing and attending out weekly Zoom meetings and we can’t wait until they arrive in Canada. Read more about each of them here on our ‘People’ page.

New editorial published

New editorial published in a special issue that was guest-edited by Lauren and Chris Sturdy.



Lauren named 2020 Science Fellow for Telus World of Science


Lauren was named at the 2020 Science Fellow at Telus World of Science. See some article that cover this announcement here: and

She also was featured as a guest-blog authors to talk about her favourite science books for Science Literacy Week


Summer 2020 virtual conference round up

This summer members of the ACRG presented at and attended two virtual conferences. 

Lauren Guillette gave a talk called ‘When do nest-building birds use social information’ in a symposium for Division 6 (Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology) of the American Psychological Association.
Andrés Camacho-Alpízar gave a talk at the The 57th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society. The talk was titled ‘If it ain’t broke don’t fix it: breeding success affects nest-building decisions’. The manuscript for the project has been submitted and it’s currently under review. You can learn more about Andrés and his research on his website.
Connor Lambert also gave a take at The 57th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society on his project ‘The impact of environmental factors on cognitive abilities: A meta-analysis.’  This paper has been submitted and will hopefully be published relatively soon!  He is also currently conducting a learning experiment with zebra finches on physical cognition.