Current Projects

COVID-19, Health and Interethnic Relations

Through the past few months the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has drastically changed our daily lives, from our health and safety practices to the ways we work and study. It has also affected our relationships with other people, including people from other ethnic groups. Connect with us and tell us how the pandemic has affected your life.

Visit our COVID project website

Chinese Longitudinal Study

In this study, we are interested in how mainland Chinese immigrants adapt to life in Alberta. We ask participants about their experiences with learning and using English in their daily lives and about their feelings of ethnic identity.

Participate in the Chinese Longitudinal Study

我们诚邀你参加一项针对在阿尔伯塔省生活的中国移民的访谈研究。访谈的内容包括你对自己民族身份的认同, 以及英语学习和使用的体验。同时,你还需要完成几项英语语言测试。访谈研究大概需要一个半到兩个小时。此研究不会公开你的任何个人信息。为了配合你的工作和学习时间安排,测试和访谈将主要在周末或晚上进行。

如果您有兴趣,您可以与阿尔伯塔大学心理学系多元文化研究中心项目协调员联系,邮件地址 或者 电话:780-492 6392 (请留言)。

Acculturation dynamics of language and ethnic identity development

Research overview:
You are invited to participate in a research study being conducted by Kimberly Noels, Ph.D. at the Department of Psychology, University of Alberta. The study involves an interview concerning Chinese immigrants living in Alberta, including your feelings of identity and experience learning and using English. This study also includes several language activities in English.

If you are eligible for your study, we will contact you as early as we can. To thank you for your participation, you will receive $40.

If you want to participate, please feel free to contact Nigel Lou at or at (780) 492-6392.