
Culture and Cognition Lab Publications


Kotera, Y., Ronaldson, A., Hayes, D., et al. (2024). Cross-cultural insights from two  global mental health studies: self-enhancement and ingroup biases. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.


Zentner, KE., Lee, H., Dueck, BS., Masuda, T. (2023). Cultural and gender differences in social anxiety: The mediating role of self-construals and gender role identification. Current Psychology42(25), 21363-21374.

Matsunaga, M., Ohtsubo, Y., Masuda, T., Noguchi, Y., Yamasue, H., Ishii, K (2023). Exploratory research on genetic polymorphisms associated with positive empathy and trait forgivingness among the Japanese. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 44(8).


Lee, H., Masuda, T., Ishii, K., Yasuda, Y., & Ohtsubo, Y. (2022). Cultural Differences in the Perception of Daily Stress Between European Canadian and Japanese Undergraduate Students. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49(4), 571–584.

Masuda, T., Yasuda, Y., & Bayart-Od, T. (2022). Ueda Ōtsuka Saiki ronbun e no komento [A commentary on: Ueda, Otsuka, & Saiki (2022) “Cultural Evolution and Visual Cognitive Diversity through Interaction with the Environment”]. Japanese Psychological Review, 65(2), 177-185.

Zentner, K. E., Lee, H., Dueck, B. S., & Masuda, T. (in press).Cultural and gender differences in social anxiety: The mediating role of self-construals and gender role identification. Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-022-03116-9

Han, J., Lee, H., Ohtsubo, Y., & Masuda, T. (2022). Culture and Stress Coping: Cultural Variations in the Endorsement of Primary and Secondary Control Coping for Daily Stress Across European Canadians, East Asian Canadians, and the Japanese. Japanese Psychological Research64(2), 141-155. DOI: 10.1111/jpr.12406

Russell, M.J., Lee, H., Leung, K. K., & Masuda, T. (2022). Considering culture in the neuropsychological assessments of attention and perception. In A. L. Fernándes (Ed.), Understanding cross-cultural neuropsychology: Science, testing and challenges. Taylor and Francis (Routledge).

Lee, H., Masuda, T., Ishii, K., Yasuda, Y., & Ohtsubo, Y. (2022). Cultural Differences in the Perception of Daily Stress Between European Canadian and Japanese Undergraduate Students. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1-14. DOI:  10.1177/01461672211070360

Matsunaga, M., Ohtsubo, Y., Masuda, T., Noguchi, Y., Yamasue, H., & Ishii, K. (2022). Serotonin Receptor (HTR2A) Gene Polymorphism Modulates Social Sharing of Happiness in Both American and Japanese Adults. Japanese Psychological Research, 64(2), 181-192. DOI: 10.1111/jpr.12389

Ohtsubo, Y., Matsunaga, M., Masuda, T., Noguchi, Y., Yamasue, H. and Ishii, K. (2022). Test of the Serotonin Transporter Gene × Early Life Stress Interaction Effect on Subjective Well-Being and Loneliness Among Japanese Young Adults. Japanese Psychological Research, 64(2), 193-204. DOI: 10.1111/jpr.12376


Ishii, K., Masuda, T., Matsunaga, M., Noguchi, Y., Yamasue, H., & Ohtsubo, Y. (2021). A reexamination of the effects of culture and dopamine D4 receptor gene on social interaction. Psychologia, 63, 137-150. DOI: 10.2117/psysoc.2021-B014

Ishii, K., Masuda, T., Matsunaga, M., Noguchi, Y., Yamasue, H., & Ohtsubo, Y. (2021). Do culture and oxytocin receptor polymorphisms interact to influence emotional expressivity?. Culture and Brain 9, 20–34. DOI: 10.1007/s40167-020-00091-5

Matsunaga, M., Ohtsubo, Y., Masuda, T., Noguchi, Y., Yamasue, H., & Ishii, K. (2021). A Genetic Variation in the Y Chromosome Among Modern Japanese Males Related to Several Physiological and Psychological Characteristics. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 15, 774879. DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.774879 

Masuda, T. (2021). Hokubeibuinka tono hikaku de wakaru nihonbunka no Mononomikata [Understanding the Japanese way of viewing via knowing the North American way of viewing]. Kokoro No Mirai, 25, 10-13.

Zheng, S., Masuda, T., Matsunaga, M., Noguchi, Y., Ohtsubo Y., Yamasue, H., & Ishii, K. (2021). Cultural differences in social support seeking: The mediating role of empathic concern. PLOS ONE 16(12): e0262001.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262001. 


Masuda, T., Ito, K., Lee, J., Suzuki, S., Yasuda, Y., & Akutsu, S. (2020). Culture and Business: How Can Cultural Psychologists Contribute to Research on Behaviors in the Marketplace and Workplace?. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1304.

Masuda, T., Batdorj, B., & Senzaki, S. (2020). Culture and Attention: Future Directions to Advance the Geographical Regions of Research beyond the WEIRD cultures. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1394. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01394

Imai, M., Kanero, L., & Masuda, T. (2020). Culture, Language, and Thought. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology, DOI 0.1093/acrefore/9780190236557.013.579

Masuda, T., Russell, M. J., & Lee, H. (in press). Culture, Attention, and Mental Health: Recent Empirical Findings on Attention to Visual Scenes and Its Influence to Cultural Bound Syndromes. In Chiao, J. (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Cultural Neuroscience and Global Mental Health.

Masuda, T. (in press). Book Review: Takada “Songokoui no jinruigaku [Interactionistic anthropology].” Shakaishinrigaku Kenkyu.

Ishii, K., Masuda, T., Matsunaga, M., Noguchi, Y., Yamasue, H., Otsubo, Y. (2020). Do culture and oxytocin receptor polymorphisms interact to influence emotional expressivity? Culture and Brain,


Masuda, T., Li, L. M. W., Russel, M. J. & Lee, H. (2019). Perception and Cognition. In S. Kitayama & D. Cohen (Eds.), Handbook of cultural psychology (Second Edition), pp. 222-245. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Russell, M. J., Li, L. M. W., Lee, H., Singhal, A., & Masuda, T. (2019). Neural cultural fit: Non-social and social flanker task N2s and well-being in Canada. Culture and Brain.

Ohtsubo, Y., Masuda, T., Matsunaga, M., Noguchi, Y., & Ishii, K. (2019). Is collectivistic forgiveness different from individualistic forgiveness? Dispositional correlates of trait forgiveness in Canada and Japan. Canadian journal of behavioral science, 51(4), 290-295. 


Matsunaga, M., Masuda, T., Ishii, K., Ohtsubo, Y., Noguchi, Y., Ochi, M., & Yamasue, H. (2018). Culture and cannabinoid receptor gene polymorphism interact to influence the perception of happiness. PLOS ONE. 13(12): e0209552.

Russell, M. J., Masuda, T., Hioki, K., & Singhal, A. (2018). Culture and neuroscience: How Japanese and European Canadians process social and context in close and acquaintance relationships. Social Neuroscience, 14(4), 484-498. 1511471.

Senzaki, S., Wiebe, S. A., Masuda, T., Shimizu, Y. (2018). A cross-cultural examination of selective attention in Canada and Japan: The role of social context. Cognitive Development. 48,32-41.

Li, L. M. W, Masuda, T., Hanamura, T., & Ishii, K.. (2018). Culture and decision making: Influence of analytic versus holystic thinking style on resource allocation in a fort game. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 49(7), 1066-1080. 


Li, L. M. W, Masuda, T., Lee, H. (2018). Low relational mobility leads to greater motivation to understand enemies but not friends and acquaintances. British Journal of Social Psychology. 57(1), 43-60.


Masuda, T. (2017). Culture and attention: Recent empirical findings and new directions in cultural psychology. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 11(12), e12363. DOI: 10.1111/spc3.12363

Masuda, T. (2017). Preface for the special issue of Culture and Brain: Culture and Attention. Culture and Brain.

Masuda, T., Ishii, K., Miwa, K., Rashid, M., Lee, H., & Mahdi, R. (2017). One Label or Two? Linguistic Influences on the Similarity Judgment of Objects between English and Japanese Speakers. Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology.8:1637 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01637.

Masuda, T., Li, L. M. W., & Russell, M. J. (2017). Judging the world dialectically vs. non-dialectically: Cultural variations in on line decision-making processes. In J. Spencer-Rodgers & K. Peng (Eds.), The psychological and cultural foundations of East Asian Cognitions. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/oso/9780199348541.003.0007

Lou, N. M., Masuda, T., & Li, L. M. W. (2017). Decremental mindsets and prevention-focused motivation: An extended framework of implicit theories of intelligence. Learning and Individual Differences, 59, 96-106.

Lee, H., Nand, K., Shimizu, Y., Takada, A., Kodama, M., & Masuda, T. (2017). Culture and emotion perception: Comparing Canadian and Japanese children’ and parents’ context sensitivity. Culture and Brain, 5, 91-104. DOI 10.1007/s40167-017-0052-0.

Masuda, T. (2017). Bunkashinrigaku riron no koremade to korekara [Culture and the mind: The current advances in cultural psychology]. Shinrigaku World, 76.

Lee, H., Shimizu, Y., Masuda, T., & Ulman, J. (2017). Cultural Differences in Spontaneous Trait and Situation Inferences” in its current form for publication. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,48(5), 627-643


Masuda, T., Ishii, K., & Kimura, J. (2016). When does the culturally dominant mode of attention appear or disappear? Comparing patterns of eye movement during the visual flicker task between European Canadians and Japanese. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47 (7), 997-1014.

Imai, M., Kanero, J., & Masuda, T. (2016). The relation between language, culture, and thought. Current Opinion in Psychology, 8, 70-77.

Li, L. M. W., & Masuda, T. (2016). The role of regulatory focus in how much we care about enemies: Cross cultural comparison between European Canadians and Hong Kong Chinese. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47 (1), 131-148.

Masuda, T. (2016). Culture and perception. In H. Miller (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of theory in psychology (pp. 658-660). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Senzaki, S., Masuda, T., Takada, A., & Okada, H. (2016). The communication of culturally dominant modes of attention from parents to children: A comparison of Canadian and Japanese parent-child conversations during a joint scene description task. PLoSOne 11(1): e0147199. DOI: 10.1371/journal. pone.0147199.

Li, L. M. W., Masuda, T., & Jiang, F. (2016). Influence of cultural meaning system and socioeconomic development on indecisiveness in three cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47 (4), 508-524.


Masuda, T. (2015). Kyokansei kenkyu no hatten no tameno rironteki freimuwaaku: Murata ra (2015) heno komento ronbun [Theoretical frameworks for advancing empathy research: A commentary on Murata et al. (2015)]. Japanese Psychological Review, 58(3), 404-410.

Russell, M. J., Masuda, T., Hioki, K., & Singhal, A. (2015). Culture and Social Judgments: The importance of culture in Japanese and European Canadians’ N400 and LPC processing of face lineup emotion judgments. Culture and Brain, 3(2), 131-147.

Rychlowska, M., Miyamoto, Y., Matsumoto, D., Hess, U., Gilboa-Schechtman, E., Kamble, S., Muluk, H., Masuda, T., & Niedenthal, P. M. (2015). Heterogeneity of long-history migration explains cultural differences in reports of emotional expressivity and the functions of smiles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(19), E2429-E2436.

Li, L. M. W., Masuda, T., & Russell, M. J. (2015). Culture and decision making: Investigating cultural variations in the East Asian and North American online decision making processes. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 18(3), 183-191.

Ito, K., Masuda, T., Komiya, A., & Hioki, K. (2015). Seeking help from close, same-sex friends: Relational costs for Japanese and personal costs European Canadians. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 32(4), 529-554.


Masuda, T. (2014). Bunka to Kokoro [Culture and the mind]. in T. Yamagishi (Ed.), Shakaikoudo no bunka seidoteki kiban [Cultural-Institutional Foundations of Social Behaviors]. (pp. 3-33). Tokyo: Keiso Shobo. Written in Japanese

Masuda, T. (2014). Bunka ga umidasu imitaikei to sono shutoku [Meaning systems generated by culture and its learning process]. In M. Imai & N. Saji (Eds.), Iwanami koza: Communication no ninchi kagaku, Dai 1 kan [Iwanami Lecture Series: Cognitive sciences in communication, Vol. 1] (pp. 285-292). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.  Written in Japanese

Nand, K., Masuda, T., Senzaki, S., & Ishii, K. (2014). Examining cultural drifts in artworks through development and history: Cultural comparisons between Japanese and Western landscape paintings and drawings. Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology, 5, 1041. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01041

Senzaki, S., Masuda, T. & Nand, K. (2014). Holistic versus analytic expressions in artworks: Cross-cultural differences and similarities in drawings and collages by Canadian and Japanese school-age children. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(8), 1297-1316. DOI: 10.1177/0022022114537704/

Senzaki, S., Masuda, T. & Ishii, K. (2014). When is perception top-down, and when is it not? Culture, narrative, and attention. Cognitive Science, 38, 1493-1506. DOI: 10.1111/cogs.12118

Li, L. M. W., Masuda, T., Russell, M. J. (2014). The influence of cultural lay beliefs: Dialecticism and indecisiveness in European Canadians and Hong Kong Chinese. Personality and Individual Differences, 68, 6-12.

Masuda, T. (2014). Bunka to ninchi kenkyu no shintenkai [New directions in research on culture and cognition]. In O. Takagi., I, Daibo., & K. Takemura. (Eds.,), Shakai shinrigaku no shintenkai [New directions in social psychology], pp. 186-204. Kyoto: Kitaoji Shobo. Written in Japanese


Masuda, T., Russell, M. J., Chen, Y. Y., Hioki, K., Caplan, J. B. (2014). N400 incongruity effect in an episodic memory task reveals different strategies for handling irrelevant contextual information for Japanese than European Canadians. Cognitive Neuroscience, 5, 17-25. DOI: 10.1080/17588928.2013.831819 


Ito, K., Masuda, T. & Li, M. -W. (2013). Agency and Facial Emotion Judgment in Context. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 763-776.

Imai, M., & Masuda, T. (2013) The role of language and culture in universality and diversity of human concepts. In M. Gelfand, C-Y, Chiu, & Y-Y, Hong (eds.), Advances in culture and psychology (pp. 1-61). New York: Oxford University Press.


Masuda, T. (2012). Bunkashinrigakuno shizakara toraeru bunkato koufukukan no shomondai: Koyasu hoka ronbun oyobi Oyama ronbun heno komento. [Understanding the issues of culture and happiness from a cultural psychology perspective: Comments on Koyasu et al. and Oyama’s articles]. Japanese Psychological review, 55, 107-113. Written in Japanese

Wang, H., Masuda, T., Ito, K.,& Rashid, M. (2012). How Much Information? East Asian and North American Cultural Products and Information Search Performance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 1539-1551.

Masuda, T., Wang, H., Ishii, K., & Ito, K (2012). Do Surrounding Figures’ Emotions Affect the Judgment of Target Figure’s Emotion?: Comparing the Patterns of Attention between European-Canadians, Asian-Canadians, Asian International Students, and Japanese using Eye-trackers. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience: The Impact of Emotion on Cognition. DOI: 10.3389/fnint.2012.00072

Masuda, T. (2012). Seiyo to higashi asia no bunsekiteki shikoyoshiki to hokatsuteki shikoyoshiki [Analytic and holistic thinking styles in Western and Asian cultures] In F. Koike, N. Kaneko, H. Matsuda, & T. Shigeoka (ed.) Seitaikei no kurashikata: Asia shiten no kankyo risuku manejiment. [Global eco-risk management from Asian viewpoints] (topic page 14). Written in Japanese

Morling, B., & Masuda, T. (2012). Social cognition in real worlds: Cultural psychology and social cognition. In S. T. Fiske, & C. N. Macrae (Eds.), Sage Handbook of Social Cognition (pp. 429-450). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Masuda, T., Wang, H., Ito, K., & Senzaki, S. (2012). Culture and Cognition: Implications for Art, Design, and Advertisement.University of Alberta. In S. Okazaki (Ed.), Handbook of Research in International Advertising (pp. 109-133). Edward Elgar Publishing, UK.

Ito, K., Masuda, T., & Hioki, K. (2012). Affective Information in Context and Judgment of Facial Expression: Cultural Similarities and Variations in Context Effects Between North Americans and East Asians. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43, 429-445.

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