
Welcome to the Culture and Cognition Lab!

The Culture and Cognition Lab focuses on exploring the intricate relationship between culture, and psychology. By conducting cross-cultural research, we aim to understand how socio-cultural contexts shape psychological mechanisms and vice versa. We seek to uncover both universal psychological processes and culturally specific patterns to deepen our understanding of how culture influences psychological phenomena and how these patterns can be molded by developmental or situational factors. Ultimately, we hope their work will contribute to navigating intercultural interactions in our increasingly globalized society.

We hope you find our research and resources informative and helpful. Thank you for visiting the Culture and Cognition Lab website!

Lab Leader: Taka Masuda. PhD

P355 Biological Sciences Bldg.
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2E9

Culture and Cognition Lab
University of Alberta
P-123 Biological Sciences Building
Edmonton, AB, T6G 2E9, Canada
Lab Email: cultpsy@ualberta.ca

Phone: 780-492-7861
Fax: 780-492-1768
Email: tmasuda@ualberta.ca