Huge congratulations to Dr. St. Jacques on being awarded a Canadian Research Chair in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory! Dr. St. Jacques will have dedicated research time to investigate the neural mechanisms by which we form real-world memories and the role of visual perspective.
Congratulations to Psychology Undergraduate Honours students Milan Kalra and Anna Romero on their summer research awards! Milan received the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award and Anna received the University of Alberta’s Undergraduate Research Initiative Stipend. Over the summer they both worked on creating 3D-360 video stimuli for an ongoing virtual reality project in the lab.

In July, graduate student Selen Küçüktaş and Dr. St. Jacques gave presentations at SARMAC. Selen gave a poster presentation on her recent research examining the influence of shifting visual perspective and cognitive reappraisal has on emotional autobiographical memories. Dr. St. Jacques presented a talk about individual differences in visual perspective in memory in a symposium on Visual Imagery and Autobiographical Memory. She was also in a Women in Cognitive Science (WiCS) Panel Discussant on “Making the Invisible visible”.
Dr. St. Jacques gained more media coverage this summer! She was on 360CHED with J’Lyn Nye where they discussed the constructive nature of memories, retrieval cues, and how adopting an observer-like perspective can reduce emotions and how this might be helpful for PTSD. She was also featured on Global Edmonton News Health Matters with Su-Ling Goh.