Huge congratulations to Selen Küçüktaş who passed her PhD candidacy exam this past July. To celebrate, we planned a surprise party in her honor!

Over the summer we had someone from the Nordic Neurolab come to help install and test our protocol using the VisualSystem HD here at the Peter S Allen MR Research Centre. We are excited to start testing our fMRI projects soon.

We started off the fall semester by welcoming a few new students to the lab: Júlia Feminella who is a new Master’s student who came here after completing her BSc in Psychology from Universidade de Brasília, Anna Cuff who is a new Honours student, and Victoria Pane who is a new Independent Study student.
Selen Küçüktaş and Dr. St. Jacques recently published a review article in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Their review synthesizes the literature about the impact of shifts in visual perspective on the emotional aspects of memory for events. They went over previous theories on the topic and proposed a new theory to explain why emotionality changes when people shift to a novel perspective during retrieval. Check out the paper here.
Dr. St. Jacques was invited to give a talk at the Memory Disorders Research Society (MDRS) conference earlier this month. Here she discussed results from one of our most recent studies looking at individual differences in visual perspective, along with highlighting brain regions that are important when adopting a visual perspective in memory.
After being away online for the past two years, we are finally back in our physical lab space full time! We spent the summer decorating the space, making it cozier, and more organized.