Graduate Students


Yu (Karen) Du


I come from Beijing, China, where I finished my undergraduate study majored in psychology in Beijing Normal University in 2012. Currently I am a first-year PhD student co-supervised by Dr. Marcia Spetch and Dr. Weimin Mou. My research interests include cue use in spatial reorientation and navigation in human adults and children.


Jeffery Pisklak

Jeff Pisklak

I obtained my M.Sc. in Dr. Spetch’s lab in August 2015, and am continuing on as a Ph.D. student in the lab. I study token reinforcement, delay discounting, and other consequence-driven decision-making processes, especially in the context of how they contribute risk-seeking in pigeons and humans.


Josh Yong

I recently obtained my B.Sc. completing projects with Dr. Spetch and Dr. Christopher Sturdy, and I started my M.Sc. in Fall 2015. I am particularly interested in how social cues (e.g., noisy slot machine payoffs) affect risk-seeking in humans.