Undergraduates students play an important part in the ME Lab. Either volunteering or receiving course credit, you will get experience in conducting psychological research on human memory. All students will attend our weekly lab meeting and be trained on a number of research skills including: recruiting and testing participants, managing and working with research data, and working on a team. Check out the various positions below for further information about applying.
Volunteers are required to make a time commitment of at least 6 hours per week for two terms.
To apply, please email Dr. Peggy St. Jacques (peggy.stjacques[at]ualberta.ca) the following information: a) a letter of interest stating why you want to conduct a volunteer position in the lab, b) a copy of your most recent CV/resume, and c) a copy of your transcript. Promising candidates will be contacted via email for an interview. Volunteers can only start in the lab at the beginning of the Fall or Winter terms.
Independent Studies
Students conducting independent studies in the lab are required to make a commitment of about 8 hours per week for two terms. Typically, students conducting an independent study in the lab will have additional course work requirements, such as completing a lab presentation and/or literature review.
To apply, please email Dr. Peggy St. Jacques (peggy.stjacques[at]ualberta.ca) the following information: a) a letter of interest stating why you want to conduct an independent study in the lab, b) a copy of your most recent CV/resume, and c) a copy of your transcript. Promising candidates will be contacted via email for an interview. Independent study students can only start in the lab at the beginning of the Fall or Winter terms.
Find out more information about independent course work in the Department of Psychology.
Honours Thesis
Undergraduate positions for conducting an honours thesis project in the ME Lab are highly competitive. Priority will be given to students currently volunteering or pursuing independent study in the lab, and those who have relevant research experience. Students who apply should:
- have a minimum GPA of 3.5
- have taken one or more of the following courses: PSYCH 258, PSYCH 212, PSYCH 275, PSYCH 299
- plan to take PSYCH 350 or another relevant memory course
To apply, please email Dr. Peggy St. Jacques (peggy.stjacques[at]ualberta.ca) the following information: a) a letter of interest stating why you want to conduct your honours thesis in the lab, b) a copy of your most recent CV/resume, and c) a copy of your transcript. Promising candidates will be contacted via email for an interview. There are limited spots in the
Find out more about the honours thesis in the Department of Psychology.