The GPA holds meetings approximately once per term, with the main meeting usually held in September to welcome the new students. There are two co-chair positions, with the junior chair replacing the senior chair every year. The co-chairs organize meetings, represent the GPA at the departmental meetings, and act as advisors to students in need. Other positions in the GPA include the Psychoquium coordinators, a Social Events team, Graduate Lunch Series coordinators, and representatives to the University of Alberta Graduate Students’ Association Council. All of these positions are elected, and are typically filled at the September meeting.
A collaboration with the Undergraduate Psychology Association to share the knowledge and experience of graduate students with interested undergraduate students.
A forum for graduate students to practice talks or posters for upcoming conferences and presentations with the benefit of feedback from an experienced audience of their peers.
An annual lecture series organized by graduate students for members of the Department of Psychology, the University of Alberta, and the general public.
Our representatives at the Graduate Psychology Association meetings to disseminate relevant knowledge and represent our interests.
In addition to our main committees, we’re always open to new ideas and ways to enhance our community.