Un sondage révèle l’ampleur du racisme envers la communauté chinoise au Canada (CBC)

Originally published June 22, 2020

Un nouveau sondage non probabiliste de l’Institut Angus Reid, en collaboration avec l’Université de l’Alberta mené auprès d’un échantillon de gens s’identifiant comme sino-canadiens révèle qu’une grande partie des gens sondés ont subi du racisme sous une forme ou une autre depuis le début de la pandémie.

Ce coup de sonde met en lumière l’ampleur du racisme au pays, selon Shachi Kurl, directrice générale d’Angus Reid.

Parmi les 500 Canadiens d’origine chinoise et membres du Forum Angus Reid ou d’Inclusive Insight qui ont été sondés, la moitié auraient été insultés ou traités de noms en lien avec la COVID-19, et 43 % affirment avoir été personnellement menacés ou intimidés.

To read the full article, visit CBC

Chinese-Canadians face discrimination because of COVID-19 (Troy Media)

Originally published July 8, 2020

A majority of Chinese-Canadians say they’ve been victims of discrimination as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research by the University of Alberta and Angus Reid Institute.
In the first survey of its kind since the pandemic was declared, more than 500 Canadians of Chinese ethnicity were asked about their experiences with discriminatory behaviour.

Two-thirds, or 64 per cent, reported at least some level of disrespect during COVID-19, and half said they had been called names or otherwise insulted. Forty-three per cent said they had been directly intimidated or threatened.

Sixty-one per cent said they’ve had to adjust their routines to some degree in order to avoid unpleasant encounters, and just over half are worried their children will be bullied when they return to school.

To read the full article, visit Troy Media

Majority of Chinese-Canadians say they’ve experienced discrimination because of COVID-19: study (Folio)

Originally published July 7, 2020

A majority of Chinese-Canadians say they have been victims of discrimination as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research by the University of Alberta and Angus Reid Institute.

In the first survey of its kind since the pandemic was declared, more than 500 Canadians of Chinese ethnicity were asked about their experiences with discriminatory behaviour.

To read the full article by Geoff McMaster, visit folio

Widespread racism against Chinese Canadians due to pandemic (St. Albert Today)

Published June 24,2020

Almost 30 per cent of Chinese Canadians say they have been physically attacked by strangers because of their race during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new survey suggests.

The University of Alberta and the Angus Reid Institute published a study June 22 on how Chinese Canadians have experienced racism during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Statistics Canada says Chinese Canadians make up about one per cent of St. Albert’s population.

U of A psychology professor Kim Noels said she had been doing a study of Chinese immigrants in Canada when the pandemic started and teamed up with Angus Reid to do this study.

To read the full article by Kevin Ma, visit St. Albert Today

Six in 10 Chinese Canadians say they have adjusted routines to avoid racist run-ins during COVID-19 (Globe & Mail)

Published June 22, 2020

Six in 10 respondents to a survey of Canadians who identify as being of Chinese ethnicity say they have adjusted their routines to avoid run-ins or unpleasant encounters since the pandemic began.

Half the respondents say they have been called names or insulted because of the COVID-19 pandemic and 43 per cent say they have been threatened or intimidated.

The newly released survey by the Angus Reid Institute working with the University of Alberta is a rare look into the experiences of Canadians of Chinese ethnicity well into the pandemic – a period of time marked by assaults, graffiti and other forms of harassment targeting the community.

To view the full article by Ian Bailey, visit The Globe and Mail