Study Information and Participants Consent Form
Study Title: COVID-10, Personality and Quality of Life
The pandemic affected humans’ lives on an enormous scale, both directly (by infections) and indirectly (by the disruptionof everyday life). The main research problem of the project is to explain psychological determinants of the quality of life as a result of experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic with a particular focus on behaviours and medical beliefs (following the Health Beliefs Model).
This study will examine cultural influences of social behaviours (e.g. trust in government, affluence, political culture, pandemic severity) in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Study procedures
If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to complete a survey that will take about 30 minutes to complete
You may not directly benefit from the study.
There should be no risks to you for being in this study
Voluntary Participation
You are under no obligation to participate in this study and are free to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty, by simply closing your internet browser and not submitting your answers. However, once you submit the survey because you answers will not be linked to you personally, you will not be able to withdraw your answers
Confidentiality and Anonymity
The principal investigator and study coordinators are the only people who have access to any identifying information that links back to the data. Once the data has been received by the study investigators, all identifying information will be anonymized. The data will be electronically stored in a secure, password protected place for 5 years. All responses will be anonymous and completely confidential. If participants wish to view the results of the research findings, they may contact any of the study coordinators or the principle investigator.
Further Information
If you have any questions of concerns you may contact Dr. Kim Noels (knoels@ualberta.ca).
The plan for this study has been reviewed by a Research Ethics Board at the University of Alberta. If you have questions about your rights or how research should be conducted you can call (78) 492-2615. This office is independent of the researchers
Principle Investigator:
Dr. Kim Noels
P319 Biological Sciences Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB, T6G 2R3
Yes, I consent to participate in this study. Click here to be taken to the project website and survey link.
No, I do not consent. Please exit.
Study ID: Pro00099471