Most Recent

Iulia Craciun, MSc
Iulia defended her MSc in July of 2018 and is on her way to Med School at U of A.

Jeremy Corfield, PhD
Jeremy was a post-doc from 2013-2015. He is now Assistant Professor at Salisbury University, Maryland.

Andrea Gaede, PhD
Dre was a post-doc, co-supervised by Doug Altshuler (UBC), from 2016-2017. Although we are still writing up papers, she is currently in working in the Justice Department in Washington DC.

Andrew Iwaniuk, PhD
Andy was a post-doc from 2004-2007. He is currently a Canada Research Chair and Professor at the Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience, University of Lethbridge. We still work together extensively.

Thomas Lisney, PhD
Tom was a post-doc from 2010-2013. he is currently at CNRS Montpellier, France.
Graduate Students

Nathan Crowder, PhD
Nathan was a PhD student (Neuroscience) from 1999-2003. He is currenlty Associate Professor, Dept of Psychology and Neuroscience, Dalhousie University.

David Graham, MSc
Dave was a Master’s student in Neuroscience from 2008-2011, then continued working as a Research Assistant in the lab. He is currently a Brewmaster for Lervig Aktiebryggeri in Stavanger, Norway.

Cristian Gutierrez-Ibanez, PhD
Cristian did his PhD in Neuroscience from 2008-2013. After a post-doc in Munich, he returned to run the lab.

Janelle Pakan, PhD
Janelle was a PhD student in Neuroscience from 2003-2008. She now runs the Neural Circuits & Network Dynamics Lab as Group Leader at the Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences (CBBS), Institute of Cognitive Neurology and Dementia (IKND), Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany.

Ian Winship, PhD
Ian was a PhD student in Psychology from 2000-2005. He is now an Associate Professor and Alberta Innovates Health Solutions Scholar in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Alberta, and Director of the Neurochemical Research Unit (NRU).
Undergraduate Students

Joel Aspden
Joel worked in the lab from 2013-2015, first as an Hns thesis student (Neuroscience) and then as a paid RA. He was 1st-author on a manuscript, and co-author on another. Last I heard he was working as the Student Orientation and Recognition Education Coordinator at UofA.

Bridget Mulvany-Robbins
Bridget was a lab volunteer and NSERC USRA recipient for two summer terms (2014, 2015). She was co-author on two manuscripts. Currently she is in Medical School at UofA.

Jeff Kolominsky
Jeff worked on several projects as a volunteer, a paid RA and a Summer NSERC USRA (2010-2014). He was co-author on 7 manuscripts. He is now a medical doctor, having completed his studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.

Mischa Bandet
Mischa volunteered in the lab for several months in 2011-2012. He was co-author on 1 manuscript, and then went on to pursue his PhD in Neuroscience under the supervision of Ian Winship.

Jessica Lam
Jessica worked in my lab in 2012 as part of the UBC Internship program. She presented her work at the Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego (2013). Subsequently she went to Veterinary School at the University of Edinburgh.

Cameron Elliot
Cam worked in the lab as an Hns thesis student (Neuroscience) in the mid-2000s. He is now a Neurosurgeon.